Category: Blog

  • No Christian Can Answer Me – Spanish & Arabic

    No Christian Can Answer Me – Spanish No Christian Can Answer Me – Arabic Transcript: the biblical God came down from heaven right now and stood in front of me and proved to me that he exists I still would not worship him let’s suppose Christianity was true would you follow Jesus not just acknowledge his existence would you follow him would…

  • I STILL won’t worship God – Arabic

    I STILL won’t worship God – Spanish I STILL won’t worship God – Arabic Transcript: the biblical God came down from heaven right now and stood in front of me and proved to me that he exists I still would not worship him let’s suppose Christianity was true would you follow Jesus not just acknowledge his existence would you follow him would…

  • My Challenge to Atheists – Spanish & Arabic

    My Challenge to Atheists – Spanish My Challenge to Atheists – Arabic Transcript: I’m an atheist I don’t believe in about 2 700 Gods Christians don’t believe in 2699 so they’re nearly as atheistic as me some weird guy a few thousand years ago said so it’s it’s ludicrous I mean really it seems my challenge for atheists is this when you’re dealing…

  • The Secret Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Spanish & Arabic

    The Secret Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Spanish The Secret Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Arabic Transcript: This is Jehovah’s Witness beliefs. They teach that Jesus already did show up, and he had an invisible return in 1914. Now historically, the reason they got to this is interesting. They were predicting this sort of like…

  • Why you doubt God – Spanish & Arabic

    Why you doubt God – Spanish Why you doubt God – Arabic Transcript: a lot of the time the doubts that people are facing and they’re genuinely struggling Believers non genuinely struggling about Christianity about the truth of it a lot of times the doubts they’re facing they seem like they’re more emotion-based than logic…

  • “Trinity” is NOT in the Bible! – Spanish & Arabic

    “Trinity” is NOT in the Bible! – Spanish “Trinity” is NOT in the Bible! – Arabic Transcript: why isn’t the word Trinity found in the Bible Well the statement I would make to someone who asks this and it won’t work but here’s what I would say the word Trinity is not found in the…

  • Shocking Mormon Fraud & Spanish

    Shocking Mormon Fraud – Spanish Transcript: Joseph Smith tried to produce his own version of the Bible it’s called the jst the Joseph Smith translation it’s the most obvious fraud in the world it may or may not have ever been completed he didn’t translate the whole Bible he took the King James and he…

  • Christ is King – Spanish & Arabic

    Christ is King – Spanish Christ is King – Arabic Transcript: Jesus is King but not like you think the lordship of Jesus is at the same time different and greater than that of Caesar or whatever ruling people there are in your life because God wants to be king of your heart king of…

  • Replacing the Bible – Spanish & Arabic

    Replacing The Bible – Spanish Replacing The Bible – Arabic Transcript: so when Jesus comes to the visible Jewish authorities of his time kind of like Roman Catholics or like what Jehovah’s Witnesses will claim to be or what the Mormon apostles will claim to be Jesus how did he handle those kinds of visible…

  • God can do what he wants – SPANISH & Arabic

    God can do what he wants – Arabic Transcript: can God do things which if we did them would be considered sin my answer is yes but they’re not sin when he does them and I’ll give you a parallel How can a cop go over 90 M an hour down the road Sirens blazing whereas if I drove 90…