The Secret Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Spanish
The Secret Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses – Arabic
Transcript: This is Jehovah’s Witness beliefs. They teach that Jesus already did show up, and he had an invisible return in 1914. Now historically, the reason they got to this is interesting. They were predicting this sort of like Armageddon to happen in 1914, you know, the end of the world. It didn’t happen, so then they kind of backtracked and said, well, Jesus returned invisibly, so his rule on Earth began, but it’s invisible, and it’s really now he’s ruling from the Watchtower organization secretly. But Matthew 24, Jesus specifically warns if anybody tells you that the Christ has returned and he’s in some secret room, don’t believe them because every eye will see him. Everyone. Scripture was refuting Jehovah’s Witness teaching before it had been invented. It’s kind of amazing the foreknowledge of God there
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