The Good News – Spanish
The Good News – Arabic
The Good News – Hindi
Transcript: this is allah and this is man in the beginning allah made everything everything was perfect and good he also made hazrat adam alayhi salaam in hawa the first two humans allah and man were in a perfect relationship allah gave man a command and man chose to disobey it this caused separation between man and allah just like hazrat adam lay salaam and huwa we have also disobeyed allah so we have become separated from him we try many things to get ourselves back to allah like prayers good works giving to the poor but no matter what we try we cannot get rid of our sin on our own but allah is merciful and he made a plan to forgive people of their sins he started teaching as people about sacrifice or korbani a great example of this is the story of ibrahim alayhi salaam we read that hazrat ibrahim alayhi salaam obeyed obeyed allah’s command to sacrifice his son but allah stopped him and provided a qurbani to sacrifice instead which was iran allah taught his people that there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood allah continued speaking to his people through the prophets showing them their need for a perfect qurani because it is impossible for the blood of goats and bulls to take away the sins of man man was still separated from allah this is why isa al-masih came he was born of a virgin and did not sin like all the other prophets he was perfect and holy and perform miracles isa al-masih is called the lamb of allah who takes away the sins of the world isa al-musi chose to die on the cross to be the ultimate perfect qurbani this was allah’s plan all along to prove this isa al-masih was buried in a tomb and three days later rose from the dead and is still alive now isa al-musi has given us a promise if we confess our sins and believe in him as allah’s qurani he will cleanse us and forgive us of all of our sins he promises to bring us back into right relationship with allah and give us eternal life now the day of judgment is coming and we can choose to follow allah’s perfect plan or another plan do you want to trust in allah in his perfect qurani isa al-masih
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