Why you doubt God – Spanish
Why you doubt God – Arabic
Transcript: a lot of the time the doubts that people are facing and they’re genuinely struggling Believers non genuinely struggling about Christianity about the truth of it a lot of times the doubts they’re facing they seem like they’re more emotion-based than logic based and part of the way you know this is because when you answer the doubt with good reason I don’t care about the reason I don’t care about the answer in fact I’ll come up with a new doubt with a new thing for you to unpack and fix and if you fix that I don’t care about that either I come up with something else I’ll just keep I do all day long just keep coming up with stuff the intellectual stuff that we think drives us is often just a symptom of the heart stuff that’s driving us and it has to do with our reaction to God not evidence in fact sometimes we react to evidence the way we react to God
See original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JNbdt2mZ5E
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