My WARNING about the rapture. – spanish

My WARNING about the rapture. – Arabic

Transcript: I predict not prophesy I predict based upon my understanding of human nature that we will see a large increase in Rapture predictions in Second Coming predictions we will see a huge increase over the next what are your thoughts on Christians that have Rapture dreams claiming it soon do you think these are from God or just a result of all the end times talk that has ramped up lately um my my personal opinion um I pay zero attention to it I believe in the coming of Christ 100% I’m excited about it but I am personally um I have okay so I’ve been a Christian now for many years I’ve been in Ministry since I was like 18 19 and I’ve heard so many Rapture predictions that I just don’t care anymore I mean scripture tells me no one knows the day or the hour but people are continually trying to say well I know kind of like maybe the month you know maybe they didn’t know them but maybe I know it now maybe I am completely uninterested in somebody who tells me they know the day or the hour here’s the question I usually have for them and I’ll give it to you to to tell them as well those who tell me I know when Jesus is coming back and they give me a date I I usually ask them something like if you are wrong if that date comes and passes and Jesus has not returned how will you respond and this is the important part because you have publicly proclaimed when Jesus will return see it’s one thing to think privately I feel like it’s coming soon it’s something else to go and tell other people that they should believe based on your testimony that it’s coming at such and such time if you’re wrong you should have a public open ashamed repentance where you tell everybody how you were unreliable you misunderstood you mistook your dream for the voice of God you mistook your guess for the clear teaching of scripture there should be a public embarrassing explanation of why you feel terrible instead they do it again in a year and that’s why for me people who predict the Rapture usually go on a list in my head of people I don’t trust when it comes to their spiritual predictions and interpretations and all that sort of thing I’m just being completely honest with you um it has happened so much if the person learns from it that’s to totally fine they learned from it they grew they never did it again I’m like I respect that I appreciate that thank you but if they continue then they get on the list in my head uh doesn’t mean I don’t love them doesn’t mean they’re not my brother and sister but it means that when they tell me like this thing’s going to happen that’s I just I just okay and move on yeah it’s going to ramp up more I I predict not prophesy I predict based upon my understanding of human nature that we will see a large increase in Rapture predictions in Second Coming predictions in Tribulation predictions all three of those depending on what your views are in eschatology we will see a huge increase over the next um 15 years especially and it’ll it’ll hit crazy when you get near like 2030 2031 2032 2033 and then you’re going to have 20 it it’s just going to be in that session because we’re exactly 2,000 years out G 2,000 years Jesus was walking the Earth right now right hadn’t started his ministry yet he’s walking the Earth right now when you get to the moment of like the baptism of Jesus approximately 2,000 years you know the death of Christ the resurrection when you get to the Ascension um Pentecost when you have the at least what people think is exactly 2,000 years from Pentecost or from those events you’re going to have a lot of people predicting these things big time and I’m fully ready to ignore them

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