Author: michael
Happy, Smiley, Heresy. – ٍspanish & Arabic
Happy, Smiley, Heresy. – spanish Happy, Smiley, Heresy. – Arabic Transcript: What is it about John 3:16 that Evangelical Christians love so much? Why is it their favorite Bible verse that they want to tell everybody about? Well, I’d like to think it’s the first six words that say, “For God so loved the world.”…
My WARNING about the rapture. – spanish & arabic
My WARNING about the rapture. – spanish My WARNING about the rapture. – Arabic Transcript: I predict not prophesy I predict based upon my understanding of human nature that we will see a large increase in Rapture predictions in Second Coming predictions we will see a huge increase over the next what are your thoughts…
A powerful argument against Christianity & Spanish
A powerful argument against Christianity – Spanish Transcript: The hiddenness and silence of God is causing me doubts. Is there any advice or help you can offer, such as that God is silent now because Revelation has been completed with the New Testament? Thanks. So, Mike, the hiddenness of God is simultaneously a philosophical argument…
Who will Jesus reject? It might not be what you think – spanish
Who will Jesus reject? It might not be what you think – spanish Who will Jesus reject? It might not be what you think – arabic Transcript: What does Jesus mean in Revelation 3:16 when he says it’s better to be hot or cold than lukewarm? Revelation 3:16 is a verse many of us have…
How many wives can I have in heaven? – spanish
How many wives can I have in heaven? – spanish Transcript: In LDS theology Latter-Day Saints in their teaching they have a teaching about the afterlife where marriage does continue so they believe that if you’re married in the temple if you get married inside one of their temples like we have a temple down…
Is Coffee Sinful? Maybe – spanish
Is Coffee Sinful? Maybe – spanish Transcript: I think that there’s application here let me put it that way I think you’re right and I think it’s probably just in all transparency it’s a good good day for me to be reminded of that. Does Proverbs 25:28 apply to coffee? A lot of people are…
Did Pharaoh Have Free Will When “God Hardened His Heart”? – spanish & arabic
Did Pharaoh Have Free Will When “God Hardened His Heart”? – spanish Did Pharaoh Have Free Will When “God Hardened His Heart”? – Arabic Transcript: I was just wondering what your thoughts were on Exodus 9:12. Did Pharaoh have free will? Let’s go to Exodus 9:12 together: “But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh…
When to confront sin vs keep your mouth shut – spanish
When to confront sin vs keep your mouth shut – spanish Transcript: Should we call out sin in the lives of other Christian friends? I had a convo with my pastor about this in regard to cussing, and he told me if we don’t have a mutual edification, then it might not be my place.…
Surprising things I learned reading the Quran. Arabic
Surprising things I learned reading the Quran – ِArabic Transcript: so I think here’s good advice for evangelizing anybody who’s committed to a religious belief system is to learn about their belief system so that you can unders you can understand them they can understand you but also you could Leverage The the things that…
What are historical facts of Jesus and crucifixion- Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish & Arabic
What are historical facts of Jesus and crucifixion- Nabeel Qureshi – spanish What are historical facts of Jesus and crucifixion- Nabeel Qureshi – arabic Transcript: What are the sources regarding Christianity? Some of you might be even asking, why should I believe Jesus is real? Why should I believe that he’s a man who existed?…