Author: michael
No Marriage in Heaven – Spanish
Transcript: Does Luke 20 verses 27-36 teach that people who are married on Earth won’t be married anymore in heaven? I feel sad that my husband and I might not be together still in heaven. Totally understand this. Look, I’m married now for 11 years, and I get it. The idea of us not having…
Do We Need to “Go to Synagogue”? – spanish
Do We Need to “Go to Synagogue”? – spanish Transcript: As a young Christian for starting to read the word and learn about scriptures, I thought synagogue and Temple were the same thing. And so, when I read in Scripture that he visited the synagogue, I just figured they had this big Temple like in…
Why Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce Was So Shocking That the Disciples Wanted to Give up on Marriage. – Spanish & Arabic
Why Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce Was So Shocking That the Disciples Wanted to Give up on Marriage. – spanish Why Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce Was So Shocking That the Disciples Wanted to Give up on Marriage. – arabic Transcript: On my big video where I taught through the issue of divorce and remarriage and what…
Why is Anger Management Important? – Spanish & Arabic
Why is Anger Management Important? – spanish Why is Anger Management Important? – arabic Transcript: It just might be that your anger is a far bigger issue than you’ve realized. Welcome to wisdom in the word, where we learn the biblical art of wisdom. The mighty Proverbs 16:32 says that he who is slow to…
Learn To Fact Check: Wisdom in the Word – spanish
Learn To Fact Check: Wisdom in the Word – spanish Transcript: The Bible says that you need to do more fact-checking before you share stuff on social media and that’s what I’m going to talk about today. Welcome to Wisdom in the Word, where we study the biblical art of wisdom, and ironically, the verse…
Progressive Christians Say “Sin” Is No Big Deal Because… – spanish
Progressive Christians Say “Sin” Is No Big Deal Because… – spanish Transcript: You’re watching one of a series of videos where Elisa Childers and I respond to 23 progressive Christian claims, kind of like a progressive Christian manifesto that was written by Ragamuffin TV. We deal with these claims—some good, some bad, some ugly—and I’m…
Is it too late for me? – spanish
Is it too late for me? – spanish Transcript: Catalina Friesen says, “Hi Mike, thank you so much for your ministry,” and you’re very ultimately hugely welcome. “How do I know if I’m living in the will of God for my life? Do wrong choices mean we have messed up God’s plan and we’re now…
“I have low self-worth and abandonment issues. – spanish
“I have low self-worth and abandonment issues. – spanish Transcript: Giant mushroom tree says I struggle with emotional emptiness, abandonment issues, and having low self-worth. This makes my walk hard because my cup is always empty. God won’t answer my prayers. Any advice? Yeah, a giant mushroom tree, I don’t know you. I have to…
Jesus’ Parable of the Wineskin – Spanish
Jesus’ Parable of the Wineskin – Spanish Transcript: Can you help me understand the parable of the patches and wine skins? Well, let’s talk about that. And they said to him, the Disciples of John fast often and offer prayers, and so do the Disciples of the Pharisees, but yours eat and drink. So here’s…
“I find it difficult to pray for the President even though the Bible tells me to.” – spanish & arabic
“I find it difficult to pray for the President even though the Bible tells me to.” – spanish “I find it difficult to pray for the President even though the Bible tells me to.” – Arabic Transcript: Scott Craig, I find it very difficult to pray for the current administration. I know they need it…