Author: michael
The Bridge To The Christ!
The Bible Is Corrupted? I am going to talk about a good way to introduce to Muslims how they should be open to reading the Gospel, which, as confirmed, they call in Islam (Enjeel). First of all, we have to be patient and loving toward them, even though they may seem very resistant or tough…
Living With Purpose – Part 2 (Going Deeper to Tools)
Living With Purpose – Part 2 – Spanish Living With Purpose – Part 2 – Arabic Living With Purpose – Part 2 – Hindi Transcript: Part 2 (Living with a Purpose): In the next parts, we are going to learn some effective tools that we can use when sharing about Christ (peace be upon him).…
How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi
Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi- Hindi Transcript:the christian message is the ultimate embodiment of self-sacrifice that all…
Ex-Muslim explains why EVERY SIN has to be paid for
Ex-Muslim explains why EVERY SIN has to be paid for – Spanish Ex-Muslim explains why EVERY SIN has to be paid for – Arabic Ex-Muslim explains why EVERY SIN has to be paid for – Hindi Transcript: there’s nothing I could do to earn my way into God’s presence he’s perfect I could never be…
How can Christians witness to Muslims?
How can Christians witness to Muslims? – Spanish How can Christians witness to Muslims? – Arabic How can Christians witness to Muslims? – Hindi Transcript: one of the best things that a Christian can do to witness to their Muslim friend or neighbor is to focus on the gospel and to avoid conversations or topics…
Living With Purpose – A Letter From An Egyptian Christian
Living With Purpose – A Letter From An Egyptian Christian – Spanish Living With Purpose – A Letter From An Egyptian Christian – Arabic Living With Purpose – A Letter From An Egyptian Christian – Hindi Transcript: CHAPTER 1 I am 30 years old. I come from a Christian family in Egypt, and I spent…
Nabeel Qureshi: Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace – Spanish & Arabic & Hindi
Nabeel Qureshi: Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace – Spanish Nabeel Qureshi: Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace – Arabic Nabeel Qureshi: Why I stopped believing Islam is a religion of peace – Hindi Transcript: initially when I encountered uh the violence in Islam I said well…
The Good News – Spanish & Arabic & Hindi
The Good News – Spanish The Good News – Arabic The Good News – Hindi Transcript: this is allah and this is man in the beginning allah made everything everything was perfect and good he also made hazrat adam alayhi salaam in hawa the first two humans allah and man were in a perfect relationship…
I Respond to a Muslim – Spanish & Arabic & Hindi
I Respond to a Muslim – Spanish I Respond to a Muslim – Arabic I Respond to a Muslim – Hindi Transcript: why is it Jesus tells the disciples that don’t call me good no only the father is if only the father is good then Jesus is not the father right this is the…
I’m NEARLY an atheist – Spanish & Arabic & Hindi
No Christian Can Answer Me – Spanish No Christian Can Answer Me – Arabic No Christian Can Answer Me – Hindi Transcript: I’m an atheist I don’t believe in about 2 700 Gods Christians don’t believe in 2699 so they’re nearly as atheistic as me this is so weird that this is even being brought up that I have to…