How can Christians witness to Muslims?

How can Christians witness to Muslims? – Spanish

How can Christians witness to Muslims?
– Arabic

How can Christians witness to Muslims?
– Hindi


one of the best things that a Christian can do to witness to their Muslim friend or neighbor is to focus on the gospel and to avoid conversations or topics that distract from the gospel so for example many Christians are familiar with the notion of jihad or about the treatment of women in Islam and oftentimes they’re really eager to bring up those subjects with their Muslim friend or neighbor now the problem with this is that many Muslims get very defensive when those topics get brought up and of course their defenses go up and they become resistant to what the Christian might else say about the nature of salvation or about God or Jesus okay and so we don’t want to do that we don’t want to distract people from the gospel by bringing up topics that simply close the mind of a Muslim because they just simply think that the Christian is buying into the stereotype of what a Muslim believes or thinks so this is why I say focus on the gospel because after all even if you convince the Muslim to abandon their views about jihad or about the nature of women it turns out that their eternal destiny will still be in jeopardy because it’ll still be guilty of crimes they’ve committed against God and that’s why I say focus on the gospel talk about Jesus and talk about what Jesus did and talked about in the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John and the reason why we have freedom to do this and this is why the best thing to talk about is this is because Jesus is a prophet in Islam some Muslims are required to believe in him and also the Quran identifies the gospel meaning Matthew Mark Luke and John as a true revelation from Allah so we Christians have their freedom to talk about Jesus from the Gospels to our Muslim friends or neighbor and after all this is what it’s all about this is what we want anyone to know about and definitely what we want our Muslim friend or neighbor to know about as well you



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