Category: Blog
Explaining EACH piece of “The Armor of God” – Spanish
Explaining EACH piece of “The Armor of God” – Spanish Transcript: Could you run through an explanation of the armor of God? Oh, there are probably a lot of different ways to explain the armor of God, but this is in Ephesians. We read about the armor of God. It’s towards the end of the…
2nd Most Powerful Argument Against God – Spanish
2nd Most Powerful Argument Against God – spanish Transcript: What do you tell an atheist who says he looked for God and God didn’t reveal himself to him, and generally, what do you make of the argument of non-resistant non-believers? I’m a little torn on it. On one end, I want to affirm a person’s…
Mike Winger – Why does God let Satan cause so much harm? – Spanish
Mike Winger – Why does God let Satan cause so much harm? – spanish Transcript: How did Satan become the god of this world and why did God allow him to reign? Well, we can piece together a couple of things in the scriptures. One of them is that I do believe Satan is the…
How to prove that Jesus is God and He resurrected – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic
How to prove that Jesus is God and He resurrected – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic Transcript: Where does he claim to be God? It took me a while, but I began to realize that when I read the New Testament the way it’s supposed to be read from the perspective of those who understand the…
Mike Winger – Stealing Jesus for LGBT ideolgy – Spanish & Arabic
Mike Winger – Stealing Jesus for LGBT ideolgy – Arabic Mike Winger – Stealing Jesus for LGBT ideolgy – Spanish Transcript: Can we only use Jesus’s words and not the rest of the Bible? Does Jesus teach against homosexuality? My friend claims that he isn’t against it and she doesn’t consider Paul’s letters authoritative, so…
Mike Winger – what does it mean, you being a priest in Christ – Spanish
Mike Winger – what does it mean, you being a priest in Christ – Spanish Transcript: Bien, ¿qué significa, eh, ser un sacerdote en Cristo? Significa que nadie media entre tú y Dios. Eso es algo muy, muy importante. La mediación no es enseñanza. Enseñar no es mediar. Mediar es ayudar a establecer una relación…
Mike Winger – Hell
Mike Winger – Hell – Spanish Transcript: I’m the only Christian in my whole biological family. How do I not despair at the fact that they’re all headed to hell as it stands? It’s leading me to doubt the goodness of God. Wow, Sean, thank you for the sincerity of your question, and just so…
If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger
If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger – Spanish If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger – Arabic Transcript: “What happens to the people who have never heard of the gospel? Yes, I actually struggled with this one myself for a while. I did a teaching on it a…
How To Prove Jesus Is God – Nabeel Qureshi
How To Prove Jesus Is God – Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish Transcript: “Where does he claim to be God? It took me a while, but I began to realize that when I read the New Testament the way it’s supposed to be read from the perspective of those who understand the Old Testament, then Jesus…
How to explain The Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi
How to explain The Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish Arabic version Transcript: Here is the definition of the Trinity. If you are going to write something down tonight, write this: God is one in essence and three in persons. One in essence and three in persons. This is not a contradiction. If I said…