If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger
If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger – Spanish If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus – Mike Winger – Arabic Transcript: “What happens to the people who have never heard of the gospel? Yes, I actually struggled with this one myself for a while. I did a teaching on it a…
How To Prove Jesus Is God – Nabeel Qureshi
How To Prove Jesus Is God – Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish Transcript: “Where does he claim to be God? It took me a while, but I began to realize that when I read the New Testament the way it’s supposed to be read from the perspective of those who understand the Old Testament, then Jesus…
How to Explain the Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic – Spanish
How to Explain the Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic How to Explain the Trinity – Nabeel Qureshi – spanish Transcript: Here is the definition of the Trinity. If you write anything down tonight, write this down: God is one in being and three in person. One in being and three in person. Now, that…
Jesus’s Teaching On Divorce
Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce – Arabic Transcript: سيستجيبون بنفس الطريقة التي استجاب بها التلاميذ وسيقولون مهلا أنا مصدوم أيضًا لا أريد أن أتزوج إذا لم أستطع الطلاق متى قررت أنني أريد واحدًا ولكن أريد أن أضيف إلى هذا وهذا يعني أن وجهة نظري لا يتم تمثيلها بشكل جيد في سؤال تاتيانا الأصلي وهذا شيء أريد…
Mike Winger – My Family Members Aren’t Believers
Mike Winger – My family Members Aren’t Believers – Spanish Audio View original post here: Transcript: QUESTION: I’m the only Christian in my whole biological family. How do I not despair at the fact that they’re all headed to hell as it stands? It’s leading me to doubt the goodness of God. Wow, Sean,…
3 Cirles 4 Sacrifices | 3 circulos 4 sacrificios
3 Cirles 4 Sacrifices | 3 circulos 4 sacrificios ES 3 círculos, 4 sacrificios es una herramienta del Evangelio simple pero muy efectiva que usamos para compartir con los musulmanes. Esta herramienta incorpora varias historias que son muy conocidas entre los musulmanes y utiliza esas historias para pintar el cuadro de por qué Jesús es…