How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi

Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi – Spanish

Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi – Arabic

Transcript of How to share the Gospel with Muslims successfully – Nabeel Qureshi- Hindi

Transcript:the christian message is the ultimate embodiment of self-sacrifice that all of a sudden clicks with people jesus is not some god who tells you jump through these hoops in order to make me happy when you’re dead that is not the gospel message the gospel message is that god who loved us from before the creation of this world saw that we would destroy ourselves and so he allowed himself to be destroyed at our hands for our sake self-sacrifice so that we could be with him so that we could live in eternal bliss forever glorifying god he would rescue us though he spat in his face he gave us hands to work with and we use them to sin against him he gave us feet to walk on and we use them to walk away from him and instead of taking those things back he gave us his son what kind of beauty is ready to be found there unbelievable you know growing up as a muslim no one ever told me these things okay i was taught to follow the sharia i was taught that if i do good things god will love me the quran says very clearly god does not love the unrighteous if i do bad things god will not love me now if someone said to me nabil understand god is your father now you tell me for a moment nabil if you sinned against your father here on earth your human father would he not love you anyway absolutely he would wouldn’t matter if i became a serial killer my father would love he would disapprove of what i did he would hope i changed but he would love me now someone would have just taken that one step further and said do you think your father loves more than god god is a loving father he loves unconditionally this message is so beautiful it resonates with our very core and even here in dartmouth i have a friend who graduated from here in 2005. she said nabil make sure you don’t miss the murals uh in the in the basement of baker library and i go down there the orosco murals and i see these this very vibrant imagery of multiple cultures clashing ultimately this concept of education and of meaninglessness in the in the in the face of potential meaning and you see this and you think the gospel fits this the truth answers yet even this to reign in the beauty that’s so naturally expressed in stories and in art while also making sure we emphasize the truth that is how we can share our message meaningfully in the public forum that is how i became convinced of the truth of the gospel it took four years and it also took a powerful spiritual act from god a vision in three dreams which led me to christ but it was only because of all these things that i’m able to say that my life today is more meaningful than it ever would have been otherwise so i encourage you as you think about sharing your faith in the public forum think about both those things truth and beauty and present both in the gospel to your friends and to those who so desperately need it thank you so much

See original video here:


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