No Christian Can Answer Me – Spanish
No Christian Can Answer Me – Arabic
No Christian Can Answer Me – Hindi
Transcript: I’m an atheist I don’t believe in about 2 700 Gods Christians don’t believe in 2699 so they’re nearly as atheistic as me this is so weird that this is even being brought up that I have to try to bring a response like believing in one God literally is the difference between atheism and monotheism so if that’s the whole difference then how can one say you’re basically an atheist when the only defining attribute that keeps you from being an atheist is present in your life let me give you some examples you’re a bachelor too I’m just married to one less person than you no no no you’re you’re not a bachelor the very defining trait of a bachelor is that you’re married this is kind of a big deal or if someone says hey I’m collecting unemployment you can collect unemployment too because you just have one more job than me no that doesn’t work this is completely irrational a five-year-old should be able to work through this it’s just snark and shallow thinking
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